Being a college kid money is hard to come by, so as a part time job I substitute teach on Friday's
It's a great way to make some quick cash, but let me tell you these kids can say/do some outrageous things.
I would just like to share some of my experiences in substitute teaching with YOU.
Some funny... some just plain wierd.
And the story goes....
One of my first experiences substitute teaching took place during a high school English class.
The REAL English teacher left directions for me to take the students down to the computer lab to work on a paper.
I did just that.
While we were in the computer lab the students quietly worked on their papers while I sat behind them at a desk and caught up on some homework.
While I was sitting there doing my thing. A student who looked kinda like this.... but with glasses,

(creepy, i know), passed me a note with his number which said "we should hang out sometime!"
I immediately threw the note away, because I am pretty sure you can get arrested for that or something!
Unfortunately the story doesn't end here.
He later CORNERED me in the classroom, and said, "So are you gonna call me sometime?"
I WAS MORTIFIED (and laughing on the inside at the same time) because
A.) I cannot believe he had the you know what to pass me a note and then proceed to ask me if I was going to call him
B.) I literally did not know what to say to him (they do not provide substitute teacher training for situations like this). You would think I would say "No, this is inappropriate and you should not be asking teachers/substitute teachers to call and hang out with you," but I didn't. All I said was "Uhhhh No."
I mean honestly, what do you say to a kid who looks like screech and who will probably never get a date in his life. A part of me felt bad and a part of was just plain creeped out.
Things I Have Heard While Subbing
* "Sooo, is there a Mr. Cook?"
* "You are so beautiful"
* "Can I have your number?"
* Student: "Are you a new student?"
Me: "No, I'm the sub"
Student: "Really?"
Me: "Yep."
Student: "You look like your in high school."
(This scenario happens quite frequently)
* Me: "Guys shut up. You're being too loud!"
Elementary Students: "oooo we don't say that word."
(Advice: Don't say words like shut up, crap, butt, etc. to elementary students. They will call you out.)
* "Miss Cook, did you know an anaconda could bite your head off?"
So these are just a few of the MANY things that I have experienced while substitute teaching.