Friday, May 6, 2011

Run Forest (Mac) Run!

Running is kinda my thing.
I'll make another list and tell ya why (it's a short list, I promise)

So like I said, running is my thing. I actually like LOVE to do it.  Especially when the sun is shining and the temperature is just right, you know, like not to hot--not to cold. Perfection....
Here. Is. Why.
1. It's a great work out.
2. It's just me and the open road. 
3. It's a wonderful time to enjoy nature and the little things I miss while driving.
4. I do a lot of thinking when I run, thinking that is pure and deep.
5. It's a great stress relief.
6. It's a free workout.
7. No one can bother me when I run. I don't have to answer to anyone.
8. It's fun to run on roads I have never run on before.
9. I always feel better after I run.  And not just physically better, but mentally as well.
10. I get to wear my sweet green shoes and camo bandana.

1 comment:

  1. You have the prettiest eyes! I love running too :)

    now following!



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